Thursday, April 13, 2017

MayilSamy criticize PM for Former Protest In news Delhi

MayilSamy criticize PM for Former Protest In news Delhi

Rj Balaji teased a tv reporter - Viral news

Rj Balaji teased a tv reporter - Viral news

Mahmood Akram Multi Language Typist In the World

Mahmood Akram Multi Language Typist In the World

Guava leaves is best medicine for cur Dengue fever

Guava leaves is the curable content for Dengue fever.  Mosquito is main reason for spread the fever like dengue, malaria and elephantiasis disease. So we must clean our environment neat and avoid stagnant water and used to cover the clean water for use. This clean water is used to increase the mosquitoes in the environment. To avoid this mosquito bite used the neem leaves to burn makes as thicker thread by using Castrol oil which is used for burn and avoid the mosquito breeding in the home. 
Guava leaf juice cures Dengue fever
Guava leaf is used to cure fever, take 4 leaves  and add one cup water for boiling with the leaves, add 5 no’s of pepper, if it boiled means drain it and consume with honey.
Bermuda grass juice
Use Bermuda grass one hand full, 1 cup water used for boiled and add palm sugar either honey after boiling it will used to consume for sever fever, Consume 50ml and 100 ml each periodical.
Guava leaf reduce fever
Tender guava leaf 4 no’s, 1 cup water boiled and drained with honey it will consume when the fever is severely it is the best medicine to cure the fever. This is a first standard medicine for cure fever.
Take Cyperus Rotundus, dry ginger, rock salt, haritaki, curry leaves, honey. Use all these above mentioned items with water and boiled it and leave for rest then mixed with honey for consume it. It reduces the dangerous fever.

This how they cheat in Ration shops. Take a look.

Deceiving the common people in the ration shop by the workers
There is a video about the ration shop workers how they deceiving the people by measuring the rice and other materials. The staff is billing for the purchasing materials and another one is distributing the materials by checking the bills, the person is lifting a stone in the measurement when he measure the rice for distribute and lifting the stone down when he submitting the materials with the concerned person. It is very worst the poor one is getting rice for food but the government employees corrupt the people and they are like a culprit for the people’s property. The workers are seditious to the government and the common people.
The billing person not cares about it and he concentrate in his work he didn’t heed about the person disloyalty. This video will give awareness to the common people to ensure their materials measurement when they purchased in the ration shop.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Reduce Belly Fat in 7 Days in Tamil Health Tips video

Health Benefits of Drums stick leaves
This drumstick leaves is one of the best medicinal treatment for the lactating women for increase the breast feeding. It gives nutrition’s to body it has iron content, calcium etc… The blood pressure patient, sugar patient, cholesterol patient need the leaves nutrition’s which will support to their body to control disease. For sugar patient it has riboflavin content to control the sugar complaint. It has enormous calcium content it supports to the Thyroid person.
Method for preparation of the drink
Take one hand full leaves and wash it well in clean water then boiled the leaves with ½ liter water for 10 minutes. Used to consume morning and evening with the lemon juice with needed salt. It rectifies the digestive problem, reduce the hunger. It has nutrition and support for body strengthen. It is rectifies the disease. The calcium content is 40/- in it and used this to continuously this will reduce the weight loss by consuming morning and evening continuously. This juice will be prepared one day before which means boiled the leaves with ½ liter water and for next day again boil then used one spoon lemon juice and salt then consume it as a coffee. Regularly intakes of this drink control the hunger and burn the abdominal fat when use it morning and evening.

Viral news - Anchor learns her husband accident news live on Air

The news reader comprehend her husband accident news when she deliver the news in the news channel
In Chhattisgarh state the news reader deliver the message of the accident in Lahrod-Padaav. The person Supreth Kaur read the news as usually in the news channel that day she got the news through the news channel about the accident she read it according as her job, but when in this news she heard the news and she suspect and finds the accident occur to her husband car and the person passed away from this accident. When her news she didn’t panic and compress her emotions till the news has been completely done by her.
  After that she enquiry with her relatives that she confirmed her husband met the accident due this occurrence he was no more. She was disturbed and lamentation when she confirmed that news with her relatives.

Gulf of Alaska, where two oceans meet but never mix

Two oceans meet but it has territory to keep on within their boundary  

There is an immense ocean that the two oceans meet but that will not mixed together. The surface of the oceans colour is two different color which looks like a dark blue colour and another one is natural ocean colour. It is miracle one to see when someone newly watching this video the people were miracle about that. The person’s were thought about the reason why the two oceans are not mixed among them.
But the reason is one side of the ocean is very salty water and other side is not salt water it is a river water form a territory who can find it easily and it is an amazing video scene.

Alaska speaks a different story!
Having an uneven combination of mountain, forest and tidewater glaciers, Gulf of Alaska is the place where two oceans meet, but interestingly, they never mix with each other (as is believed). The color variations of dark blue and electric blue water in that merging point is clear and stunning. Even the growth of froth will show you the exact point of intersection of the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
What is the science backed explanation for this phenomenon?
Here’s the scientific explanation:
Not two oceans – but a glacier melting and the other is the offshore water of Gulf of Alaska. The melting water of glacier is mineral rich and sediment-laden; other is saline water. The first one being lighter in density has light blue color, while the salt content makes sea water density heavy, giving it a dark blue shade. 

Tamil Health tips about palm fruit

Health benefits of Ice apple
This fruit is from the Palm tree. In Tamilnadu it is used by the people to eat at the summer season. It gives coolness to the body and it has enormous nutrition’s to the body. Ice apple is like a jelly to eat and it has water content to fill the hydration.
It has 43/- hydration, calories -10 gram, calcium-10mili gram, 20-
It contains vitamin-b, c, iron, zinc, potassium, sodium, magnesium, Ascorbic acid etc…
It will reduce the weight loss when intake in the summer season
When used to intake the ice apple it reduces hunger and it fills the stomach.
The summer disease of chicken pox will be prevent both it is one of the best medicine to cool the body and it will rectify the disease.
It has anthocyanin medicine content it is hinder for the cancer cells and it avoid the formation of tumors.
This fruit is playing as a cancer prevention
It gives hydration to the body and protect from the heat problem of giddiness, drowsiness when used to go at the sunlight.
The pregnancy women intake of it protects the digestive process and it regulates the digestive system, it removes constipation, acidity issue.
It regulates the digestive system
It has minerals, vitamins, glucoses it keeps the body cool and protect from dehydration
When used to take this fruit it gives the body activeness and rectifies the summer fatigue problem.
It has potassium content and it protect the liver functions to emit the toxins outside from the body.
The summer problem of skin issues will be rectified when intake of this fruit especially heat prickly, heat blister will be rectified.
It keeps the body cool condition.
The constipation problem will be relieved when intake of this fruit frequently.
Ulcer issue also cured when intake of this fruit very often. Crush it and mix with coconut milk for consume it, it will cure the ulcer problem about 40 days regularly follow it.

ADSP pandi attacked lady - interview video

The Police Department DSP Pandiya Rajan attack impertinently with the Women
The police department attacks the women’s who were protests for against to install the Tassmark. The affected woman was attacked by the DSP.Pandiya Rajan. He shared that their area people were protest there for about 6 hours. The area MLA visits the place and not talks with these people and just went away. Then suddenly the police were attacked arrogantly with the women, mostly the women was attacked severely due to this attack she got pain in her ear and the police beaten by the lathy which was attack the legs, this makes sever pain to the women, she expressed that his leg was pain over night and ear lost to hear the sounds, and the pain was raised whole night, she could not dozen due to this pain. 
The women expressed that we are not make any problem with the police; they only attack the women impenitently. They used to attack by their lathy, that gives sever pain, so the women escape from that attack to hold the stick but the DSP beaten in her cheek, and they were push down the camera persons also. We are women how we will safe from the police. Then she said that she goes for treatment for her sever pain the doctor asked to scan the ear, tomorrow  that women has to scan her ear whether it spoiled any organs. Then she said the arrogant police must be dismissed from the Department.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

MayilSamy Open Talks about public for Tasmac protest

The police department Precipitancy action against the public and innocent woman
The police department arrogantly attack the women protest in Tripur district for against the establish Tassmark in their area. The women were made protest in a peaceful manner but the police department is behave as culprit like a rowdy they attack the women’s they don’t have rights to attack women, whom they give power to attack the innocents, the police department is against with the vulnerability section of the Tamilnadu they will not show their power with the juggler and culprit. 
The Actor Mayil Swamy delivered his condemnation against the police department action they were doing imperil against the public if the public were taken against with the police department is highly affected the nation and the military also not enough to control the people revolution. That women husband is not attack the women like this. But the DSP attack had beaten in her face and just moving towards not caring about the public. Their action is arrogant with the women’s and it is very impinging the society.

Viral video of BALA in Thondan Audio Launch

Director Bala elevate speech about Actor Samuthirakani and Actor Vikranath
Actor Bala had given speech about the Tamil movie Thondan which was acted by the Sanuthirakani and Actor Vikranath. The Actor Kanjakarupu who was produced the film this film will be used as to see with the family. The Actor cum Director Samuthira kani is such a wonderful person who has patient with co-workers. The college and the school institution calling meto got Samuthirakani appointment for deliver speech in their functions for their students. They celebrating him that he is making a awareness film for the society and they were proud about Samuthirakani.
The Director Bala was congratulations those who gets victory in the producers election. They were doing good things in the film industry. The music director of the film is like a 12th standard student. Then he talks about the Producer cum actor Kanja Karuppu and the actress Sunanina. Then he praise about the actor Vickranath who was a cricketer he has wonderful talent his eyes is searching to exhibit his talent in the film, within two years he will became an influenced hero and got good name and victory by his film.

Vivasayi Parithabangal - Pakka Troll video by Madras Central

Madras Central criticize the current political and Politicians elegance
This programme criticizes the current politician’s involvement to enhance the people’s development. This is an entertaining programme and criticized comically the individuals who were playing a major role in political field. First they criticized the Indian Prime Minister Modi who was trying to given speech to the common people and there is a translator to translate the content, but the person converts into fickle mind person. The PM delivered that he will inaugurate the devotee’s temple, inn like that.
Then it shows about the R.KNagar election that the politicians asked vote from the people by distributing cash to the area people and the area people asked about the farmers situation in Delhi that he said if they were won in the R.K.Nagar means that he will take steps to aid those farmers. Then It reveals the Cauvery water that the politician hinder to block the water to Tamilnadu  he was exporting soil to other state that was spoiled when the water given by the Karnataka, this person not favour for the Tamilnadu and he works against Tamilnadu people due to his own development for export the sand.
Then the politician support to the peasants by taking photo for the publicity and the popular actor also makes publicity through taking photo with them. Then they create comedy about the Hydro Carbon with the PM and the peasants against for occupy his agricultural land. The government employees say that you must scarifies your land to the Indian development and the person treat the peasant you are anti- Indian to support the Indian Development.
H.Raja  express in his interview session for one critical question  he said that he is not prepared for that question and blame the person anti-Indian and anti-Modi set up. The politician against for the common people is stimulating them for against Central government by his attitude and speech. This was comically criticized by the team.
The politician asked financial support from the central government they are denying providing their demanding fund they were bargain among them for the peasant’s problem. But the Central Party Politician not care about the Tamilnadu and irrespective answer is irritate the person finally he is not giving them their demanding financial support. Ultimately the politician is warning them that they will protest for claim fund with you. These issues and the politicians were criticized fantastically.

Easy to loose your weight : Tamil health tips

Tips for reduce the abdominal fat by following strict diet
Reason for form belly
Genetic issue
For male androgen form a belly which means fat form in the abdominal
Female hips and thighs and then estrogen
Life style
Late night sleep
Wrong food habits
Abdominal fatting Stomach will be bigger after food this happens due to their gas problem
Reducing method to fat elimination
Find the cause for abdominal fat
Regular exercise
Ginger soaked at honey it stimulates the digestive process and emit the gas
Early morning consume boiled water along with lemon juice
Intake protein content food and used to eat grain it will reduce the hunger
Almonds, beans, pine apple, cucumber, water melon it emit the toxics
Avoid non vegetarian food if it need means intake once in a week
Used steamed fish and chicken
Use abdominal exercise
Avoid white rice
Avoid sugar content food
Regular exercise morning and evening
Drink enough water
Add enough vegetables
Sound sleep
Consume lemon and honey water
Follow strict diet this is essential one to reduce belly fat when following the above mentioned points.

Viral video of Police worst activity : Protest to stop new wine shop

Viral video of Police worst activity : Protest to stop new wine shop

Durai gopi talks about vishal phone call

The person express about the conversation with Actor vishal. He asked about with him regarding the peasant’s life and he asked him what you would like to do with the farmers, the actor said that protest will not change the farmer’s life. The actor Vishal asked the PERSON what you did for the peasants he said, that am not in a position for help for the people but already you given speech about that you help for those people through collecting money from cinema field. Already you politics with the cinema field and. The video person said that we are in agricultural family and he asked with me what you know about agriculture and he said that he had the data base. The person said last 5 months back you at the Tanjore meet he delivered that he start agriculture in Tanjore delta places.
The person asked with him about the agriculture in Tanjore the actor Vishal said that he could not make publicity about this but the person asked then why would say that you will aid in the meet that you would like to do agriculture in Delta places. Already you said that you collect one rupee from the ticket and give the peasants about 20 crores, how you could be collect from the people that you are captive the common people. Then the person request to the common people to enbloc together to get right way if we are not together means the unknown people may collapse our system, tradition everything from in our Tamilnadu.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Real Hardworking Saravana stores History - Viral video

An encomium speech and video of Sarvana stores
This video is show about the Saravana store history. The Saravana store owner is from Tirunelveli district the Saravana had three sons their name is Yoga Ratinam, Raja Rathinam and Selva Rathinam, Selva Ratinam move to Chennai for search work then he started to sell the Suku coffee, by his hard work then he develop his business and he call for his elder brothers Yoga Rathinam and Raja Rathinam and join together for wide their work. The T-Nagar is fully occupied by the Saravana stores and they started the textiles, Jewelers, Electronics etc…
Yoga Rathinam and Raja Rathiman sons join together to extend their business in the name of Saravana stores and the elder Son Sarava Rathinam son Saravana Arul continue his business with his cousin. Now we are seeing about the person Saravana Arul who was played in an advertisement with the top most heroines. Sneha, Jothika played in his Textile advertisement but the Saravana Arul played with the popular heroine which is show him among the common people. He looks like a younger person but he got married and he has two daughters, one daughter gets marriage. The media asked with the person whether you continue your act in an advertisement in future he said that he was not yet decided to play.

Viral news - world is coming towards an end

Save nature from the disaster
The month of December is sign of danger because mostly the natural disaster and the unwanted things happening in this month. There is no reason for happening like this. In Spain country near Ciyar it is a sea shore place there is place of Marda a hill area the Kaki people are dwelling on that place. In 1990 the BBC Channel documents the race of the people about their conceal dwelling. They were dwelling along with the nature. The BBC Allan Error made a documentary film about the people. On that film they deliver the message to the all over world concerned about the nature and the massage is stressed about stop digging earth, stop deforestation, stop makes the Ocean impurity and stop to destroy the nature. The nature of the heart is anger with these impurities. By destroying the nature it is causes for the disaster from the water. The water will be reduced and the people will not get pure water for the livelihood. 
Above these massages is from the film Heart of the World delivered to the people. Mr. Allan got another call from that people which is for spread the message of the Allan film content. The earth fully covered with the water. There is no sun and moon in the world it is fully concentricity with water. The Mamoks talks with the stagnant water by their cogitation. When they talk with the water by their cogitate means the water will reply its waves sound. The Kaki people convert into Mamo means they should be avoid to see and live apart from the sunlight about 18 years. Hence they were not look sun light to change as Mamo. They were guidance for the Kaki people they were talk with the nature and they concerned about nature they stressed the current generation is destroying the nature by their development the development is disaster for the nature , the sun is highly disclose its angry by heating the living thing. The Kaki people treat the conception is their God they make it as their holy thing and they were conception with the nature and water. The people said to the world that the development is distressing the heart of the nature.

Very Cute Wedding Dance Viral on web

An Amazing wedding dance for Tamil song by the bride
This is a wonderful wedding dance for Tamil song which is presented by the bride and the dancers. It is nice to see. Currently the marriage are happening in the Tamilnadu like the music and dance effect the people are thinking differently to improve the people status and they try to show their grand functions like this performance. The girl danced well and her expression is very nice and cute to the function. The dancers are foreign girls and they also performed well.
Now the trend has been changing and the marriages are happening like this almost all the people are using this dance programme to entertain the relatives and friends like this in a different manner.

RK Nagar house wife open talks about election campaign

R.K.Nagar people got cash for vote from the ADMK TTV.Dinaharan and DMK Stalin
The women expressed that their area people got money for vote from the political party the women given interview to the Sathiyam TV channel. The R.K.Nagar people activity is discreditable mark from the Tamilnadu, the political leaders visit their area means they used to take aarathi, draw rangoli means they provide Rs.200/- for this purpose. The ADMK TTV.Dinaharan political administration allotted money 5000/- but they provide Rs.4000/-per vote in a family. The women expressed that her husband got money from ADMKTTV.Dinaharan RS.4000/ but she can’t received and her husband got Rs.2000/- from The DMK also. 
DMK has given Rs.2000/-per vote. The political leaders conduct meet on their area means they got Rs.200/- to attend the meet. Like this they participated in all the political meets and they joined in the party programme for money motive. ADMK, OPS, ADMK, TTV. Dinaharan and BJP distributed money to collect the people for in their meeting. The ADMK TTV.Dinharan given Rs.300/- for attend the meet. 
The Sthiyam TV channel interviewer asked don’t you hesitate yourself to get money it is a wrong habit know, but women expressed we are poor and we needs to go for tough work to get money her husband is a drunken and when the school open means they need to pay the fees, so we get for money to spend it in a useful way. The political leaders not providing their own money instead they are distributing the Tamilnadu people money for collect vote. Our relatives are get money and some of them not get money on that period they out of station so they were not getting, but after this we try to get and the political members said you must come on that day otherwise you can’t get money.
The political party allotted ADMK TTV.Dinaharan distribute money rs.5000/ and they given rs.300/- for attend the meet but the other party given Rs.200/- per person for attend themeet. We are not hesitating to get the cash because the rich people also got cash from the political party but we are poor. So we don’t think to vacillate. If the parties coexist held the meet means we attend the meet in one place and register our name in the particular party at same time we move to next party to attend the meet for gain money from the party. No one is coercive to vote their party. The political parties are plunging the common people into the bribe, corruption. This shows the Tamilnadu political parities inclination. They are losing their hope among the people by providing cash they try to impressed the people to caught vote. The women educe the political parties’ motive and their activities in the R.K.Nagar election process in the political parties. Over all that he Political parties are effable their performance about their honesty, neutrality, dedication to the R.K.Nagar people.

Kangai Amaran Talks about Tamil farmer protest in delhi

Kangai Amaran Talks about Tamil farmer protest in delhi

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Neeya Naana Gopinath Pakka Troll

Neeya Naana Gopinath Pakka Troll

Smile Sattai Karthi interview with the Street Sweeper Suresh Kumar

Smile Sattai Karthi was met a poor street sweeper man who was collect the plastic material and waste from the road and he helps to clean the metropolitan city places. He will not beg and he daily collects the waste and got money for that. That person is from Chennai, kelampakkam. He father is passed away and his mother sends out of the home and got married with another person. Thus he comes separately.
First he work in mortuary section and love with one girl and gets marriage the girl. He worked on that mortuary section about 17 years. The girl name is Kalai selvi and she also passed away due to her pregnancy period. She used to intake the carbon which is from the hearth for cook. So her lungs and organs affect by the carbon due to this she got illness during her pregnancy period she died. He doesn’t like to marry another girl. He get up early morning 5’o clock and goes to collect the garbage from Cheyappakam, Mount road, Rayapattai, ADMK office, Gopalapuram.
Karhti asked if your relative sees you mean what they think about you for that question the person said that I will not bother about that. He has one sister and she got married, she has one child. Then Karthi asked about his cinema experience and the person said that he was seen the Mottai siva keeta  siva and said that end of the movie is nice to see. They ate panchu mittai that he said in his childhood days they get sweets and snacks for 5 or 10 paisa now the rate is too high when compare to this. He talks with the sweet seller in Hindi language. Then he explore about his childhood days he got promoted for the year for 8 years by impressing the teacher to give the rose, mango, jasmine like this. He doesn’t have ambition to become a doctor, engineer etc… because his life is in critical way. The person had innocent smile in his face and not worries about nothing for now and forever, just a smile to face his problem in life. This person is such different character that he leads his life congenital manner.

For children concentrating in studies : Tamil tips

Children memories will protect by the natural techniques
Every children were studied at night and mostly they were continuous their studies beyond 10’clock. Some of the children used to intake coffee either tea for during their studies. If one study at early morning means the memory power will protect they were not forget whatever they studied.
The following techniques will aid to increase the memory power. Which are as follows:-
Practice the children to get up early morning for study which is easily understood and they were concentrate on their studies effectively. The time will save to study quickly when they used to study at early morning.
Allow them to sound sleep at night. It gives refresh to the mind to keeps the mind fresh and it gives free from the stress.
After 2, o clock one who studies means they will study easily and it will not fail to remember, it store in the mind.
One who studies the subject means the person should realize and analyze the subject and content by them. They think deeply about the subject what they have studied as well as which they have understood from the content. By their own sentences they should say about the answer.
Used to eat ladies finger which will gives enough phosphors for the brain. It suppose to functioning the brain enthusiastically.
Centella Asiatica is one of the herbal plant ( vallarai keerai ) used as this for strengthen the memory power very effectively used by the students to keeps the memory strong.
The child either adult one who is like to study their favourite one easily pick-up by the mind and it will not forgot easily, it is faith for every individual person. One who is desire to study about their own subject means that subject easily understood by the person and it will not lose by the mind but one who is needs to study compulsory for any subject means that one is tough to the student and it will not understood by the person and it takes much time to store in mind

Tamil Health tips - lose weight fast in 10 days Fat cutter drink

Reduce the body weight within 10 days
In Ayurvedha there is a natural medicine for reduce the body weight. The following method is one of the significant method to reduces the body weight which is follow below,
Needed materials
1, Cucumber-small piece
2, Aloe vera jelly
3, Coriander leaves- one handful
4, Lemon- 1 spoon
5, Ginger-1 piece
5, Salt- as you wishes
Preparation Method
Take small piece of cucumber, aloe vera jelly, one hand coriander leaves, 1 spoon lemon juice, and small piece of ginger and add salt as per your taste. Mix and crush all these above mentioned materials and make as a juice for pour some water. Then drink it every day night. It will reduce the body weight and stimulates the metabolism of the body to burn the bad cholesterol from the body. The metabolism work when we work when we had dozen means it would not work. So daily night used as regularly for 10 days means the body stimulates the metabolism for burn the bad cholesterol for reduce the body weight. Use fresh materials for make a juice.
It reduces the unwanted water, toxins from the body and it gives vitamins, Minerals for strengthen the memory power.

Monica's thoughtful speech - Support to Former [must watch and share]

Monica's thoughtful speech - Support to Former [must watch and share]

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Tamil Health tips for Homemade Hair oil

Tamil Health tips for Homemade Hair oil

How can change the yellow teeth into white colour

Teeth is very important to every being and one has to smile means that person needs self-confidence to smile with neat and clean teeth. It reflects our personality. There is a natural and home remedy for neat and clean teeth the following method is used to for keeps the teeth very clean like white teeth.
Method for prepare a paste
Needed materials
Turmeric powder
Coconut oil
Baking soda
Take ½ tea spoon baking soda, use turmeric powder use only the home made preparation, and one spoon coconut oil mixed all these materials and make as a paste for brush. Then place in the tooth brush and brush it well. It will remove the yellowish colour and anti- bacterial from the mouth. The baking soda and turmeric powder removes the stain and eliminate the anti- bacteria in the month. Then used as usual tooth paste for clean the teeth. Now find the teeth colour is changed as white colour. Follow this weekly once for clean mouth like this. 

Amazing benefits of Almonds

Amazing benefits of Almonds
25  gram content almond has  70/- vitamins
It develops body, it has vitamins and minerals to supply nutrition to the body
It purify the blood, it increase the H.D.L cholesterol and reduces the bad cholesterol.
The Almond has phosphorus salt, gultamic acid, for improve the memory power, and strengthen the neuron system.
The Almonds outer layer content has essential nutrition, vitamin-e, this will protect the neuron system.
Someone affected by the cardiology problem means that person use 5 almonds to intake it this will reduce 50/- cardiology difficulty will reduced.
One who is reducing for weight loss means that person used 5 almonds weekly twice which will reduce the 31/- weight from the body.
It stimulate the brain function it develop as sharp brain, it function the neuron system according to the normal condition.
Aged factor is reason for lack of memory power, it will strengthen the memory power and the person used daily means it wills works the brain rapidly.
For long healthy life used 10 to 15 gram almond daily in your life.
It has fiber and anti-oxidant to prevent from the cancer problem.
Constipation, respiration disease, coughs, diabetics, skin problem, hair fall problem, diabetics, skin problem, hair fall problem, anemia, liver problem also rectify by intake of almond.
Control the level of sugar in blood.
Stroke, appetite, weakness, low condition of immunity power will be rectifying.
Stimulate the masculinity
It is solving the problem of the digestive issue.

The Traffic Police stop the vehicles to ride in the bike with gear

The traffic police stop the vehicles those who were ride in the road in gear. The police suddenly pulled the bike key without ask anything from the person, the person asked with the traffic police before intimation either any clarification how could you pulled the key from bike. The police expressed that you people are not stand on the signal but the person said I have recorded everything we are stand in the signal. Suddenly, he makes a call and asks with someone and said the green colour bike person switch on the light when he was drive.
The riding persons said that the bike having default the light has been working. Then the police clarified with the travelers, the person expressed that driving with the proper gear is crime.

Beware of Hatsun Curd - Avoid Buying Hatsun Curd

In HATSUN curd there is an unknown material in the pocket
This video open the HATSUN product quality, which is a women used this pocket food and given to her grand children to eat with food. The remaining curd used by her to eat when he fully opened to pour in food found the unknown material, she was shocked because this curd is given to her grand children and she frightened about her grand children health. This material is looks like a plastic it was burned by fire. But the women expressed she doesn’t find it and can’t analysis the material and it is like a jelly.
The women share about this to this when you have purchase the HATSUN curd means before that you check it, by pour the curd in a vessel then used in food items. Cross check the curd when you purchase and before use it in food. It will be danger for health. Create awareness to the common people about the HATSUN curd.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Best Health Tips For Reduce Weight - Follow Daily Tips

Cumin seeds used to reduce Weight loss
The following methods used to reduce weight loss of the body with the help of cumin seeds. This material used in food items regularly means it is aid to decrease the weight. Some of the significant things used to reduce the bad cholesterol from the bodies which are as follows
Soaked the 2 table spoon cumin seeds overnight, then used with the water to boiled the cumin seeds then  drain it and consumed with the lemon juice this will gradually decrease the weight loss. Used for two weeks continuously.
Mixed one tea spoon with the curd and intake it this also helps to reduce the weight.
Take ½ tea spoon cumin powder and mixed with water and honey and intake of these frequently means it will give weight loss for the human being.
1 tea spoon cumin powder with the soup this will reduce the weight
Cooked the carrot and your favorable vegetables then add ginger, lemon with cumin powder this could be used at night for intake of this dish. This will reduce the body weight gradually and it gives nutrition for the body functions.
The cumin seeds burn the bad cholesterol, calories in the body. It has metabolism, anti-oxidants to protect the body.
This cumin seeds help to prevent heart attack, improve memory power, rectify gas trouble problem, anemia, digestive problem etc…

Viral video Vijayabaskar driver ran away from house with secret documents

The driver was escaped with the deed when the raid has been conducted by the central team on Minister Vijaya Baskar home
This video shows one person is bring the documents and the police officials rush to him to get the documents and the another one hold the documents from him and suddenly moves forward to hide from the police personnel. Then the person intended to run and suddenly he started to run and then the CRPF police caught them. This is from Minister Vijaya bAskar home when at the ride the person tries to escape with the valuable documents. The police personnel caught them and they clarifying why the person escape from that place.

OPS supporter The Dancing M.L.A.

Gauvdampalayam MLA create awareness for collect vote for OPS team by his dance performance
The MLA Aaru Kutty who was supporting for O.Paneer Selvam team and creating awareness to collect support from the people through his dancing performance. He expressed that his dancing performance only influenced among the people and the Former Chief Minister Jayalitha given MLA post for my performance. Where ever performed dance by me that time definitely Jayalaitha would like to visit my programme. 250 members were performed and working for election result.
The TTV .Dinaharan is distributing money for the common people to get vote for them. But we believe that people will support our Party to get victory because we are in right way to bring hope from the people. When Kuvathoor resort the MLA stayed on 13 days and they ignore to visit their area. So their area people were disappointment about their involvement, I asked to come back to their area to do work for the people. But we are confidently going to visit our area to support the people needs. 
This dance is called by Thuluvar dance and it owned by the tribal people. The dance is used for bring attention from the common people and the dance is popular among the people.

Common man Talks about central and state goverment for Former Protest in Delhi

Common man Talks about central and state goverment for Former Protest in Delhi

Karikeyan Frined Interview About Nandhini

Karikeyan Frined Interview About Nandhini

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Android app - Tamil video troll semma kalaai

Android app - Tamil video troll semma kalaai

The fruits and vegetables will prevent cancer cells in the human body

The fruits and vegetables will prevent cancer cells in the human body
Certain fruits and vegetables is an essential one to keep the body health and it is preventing the body from disease, given energy to the body.
The following fruits and vegetables preventing the body from cancer disease
Garlic – used to eat 2 piece of garlic which is prevent the cancer cells from the body
Onion – it has sulfur acid which will obstacle the growth of cancer cells and it is good for use in daily food
Ginger- which is an essential one for increase the immunity power to the body and protect from communicable disease, it is easily to use in a food by making a tea, prepare as a pickle, soup, kanchi etc…
Black grapes- it aids to prevent cancer cells from the body
Seed grapes- when it intake the fruit, it will work within 48 hours to hinder the growth of the cancer cells
Turmeric powder - it aid to protect the body from disease
Pomegranate – it prevents breast cancer when intake the fruit daily in life.
Fig- it protect the body organs which is abdomen, liver, throat, breast, bone, brain from the cancer
Tomato – Lycobin, anti-oxidant protect the lungs, stomach from the cancer
Green leaves – used the green leaves it will prevent the cancer cells from the body.
Carrot – used to eat raw, and cook as dish it is help the body from disease.
Radish – it protect the mouth, intestine, kidney from cancer and supplies folic acid, vitamin-c, anthocyanin to the body.

The infectious disease will be raised when the person not drink adequate water

The infectious disease will be raised when the person not drink adequate water
The human being needs nutritional food and enough water to maintain their health, if any one sufficiently not received by the body means the health will be collapsed and the body gets sick due to these insufficient health materials. If the person not fulfills the water by the body means the body gets sickness.
Consume below 2 liter of water in a daily life means it will not fulfill the body needs, consequently it will create communicable disease which are the bacteria enters through the body and it will create the urinary communicable disease, and bring cough, cold, fever. If one spend more time in Air cooler room means the person will affect by the dehydration problem gradually it affects the body function ultimately it stops the body function , the person working either spending more time in air cooler room means the person not drink enough water as well thirsty will be reduced.
One influenced leader affect by the dehydration problem finally she passed away due to this sever attack. She spends most of the time on air cooler room. This will hinder to make thirst and fail to remember consume enough water for day today life. Thus consume enough water to protect the body from the disease.

The political party distributed money in R.K.Nagar people for vote their favorable party

The political party distributed money in R.K.Nagar people for vote their favorable party
There is a video about the R.K.Nagar people are getting money for their vote, the political party distributed money for the vote. Every people are forming a queue to make a line to get bribe for post their vote. The political member is verifying with their checklist which was holding a list to ensure. 
One person has ensure and pushing forward one by one by counting the members. The political party demoralizes their standard and they work for get triumph illegally. The people also not disdain evil things for get money for vote the party. The common people are not delving their future the political party supply cash for vote means how they will work for those people welfare. The people are spoiling their future by getting bribe. The political party cog the people by deliver money for impress them for to get vote. In this video there is no evidence to prove the people receiving cash as well the party name. The police can cognizant for this incident.

Distributing money by marking in house RK Nager

Save formers awareness Video - Must Watch and share

Save formers awareness Video - Must Watch and share

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Portable device can detect heart attacks invented by Tamil Student

An instrument predict Cardiac attack invented by the Akash Manoj
In Oozur the 8th standard student invented the device to detect the Cardiac attack by the student Aakash Manoj.
The student likes to read the medical science books and hence goes to the Indian Institution of Science library at Banglore. In childhood days onward the boy has a wish to innovate the scientific instrument and he prepare the device by his own interest. 
The President Pranab Mukarjee has given Award of Rastrapathy Navapravardhan Purashkar to the students on 15th. The student gets National level Innovation Scholar Research programme. That Tamizh people are proud that boy who find the tool to predict the Cardiac attack and the Tamil channel congratulates to his innovation.

Mother and Daughter was saved by the driver who was fell into the Krishna River

Mother and Daughter was saved by the driver who was fell into the Krishna River
This video telecast by the TV channel TV9 which is telecast the baby and her mother saved by the driver. The mother and baby has fall own on the Krishan River the person suddenly jump into the river and save the life of the baby and her mother which is show the person humanity and the people were praised him as a hero. 
The baby and her mother admitted in the hospital both them were fortunately saved by the driver. The video is seems to be the women has attend suicide with her daughter; it is a hypothesis and not know about the authentic state. Whatsoever it is there are an excellent people to tend the life of the vulnerability

Benefits and medicinal values of the Bael tree

Benefits and medicinal values of the Bael tree
The Bael tree is called as Vilva tree and it is specially used for Lord Shiva pooja. It is treated as a sacred for God. The tree has enormous medicinal values which are enhance the health of the human body. It is surrounded near Himalaya, Zeelam and across India. The tree leaf is three and five type leaf found in the tree. The tree breeze is also having medicinal values. 
Benefits of Vilva tree
Sickness is rectify by consuming the viva products
The leaf is used to cure the eye irritation and redness of the eyes when used to burn the leaf and paste as to apply on it.
The sperm issues will be rectify when used as consume the fruit 
The communicable disease and T.B will be cure when intake of the Viva fruit.
The bael flower is removes the mouth odor
The tongue wound cure and the poison is break it by the leaf and fruit when consume it.
For hair fall problem apply the fruit with milk it will reduce the hair fall, irritation of eyes etc…
Black mark on the face will be removed by apply the bael fruit with the milk at night and rinse with clean water it will removes the black mark when apply daily.
Soaked the bael leaf about 8 hours and consume the water it reduces the abdominal pain.
Komiyam ( cow urine ) and Bael leaf take equal quantity and take the essence by crush it and consume it with one cup of drinking water this rectify the anemia health problem.
Bael fruit, ginger and cumin seeds make as a powder and add with water this will reduces the piles complaint.
The bael leaf and fruit will cures the Anemia, white disorder, appetite, joint pain, T.B, cough and cold, swelling, eye irritation, Jaundice, Malaria etc…. the tree cures  so many disease in human body.

A fiery and fabulous speech by Veera Tamizhachi to save the Tamizhan

World wide Tamizhans are gradually LOSTING THEIR IDENTITY due to the presumptuous people. The Tamizhan civilization is treat as a garbage race and the tamizhan are treat as an insect. We are begging as a dog for biscuits. Our tradition and culture are preview as garbage. Then why the Europeans and American researchers came for research our temples, ancestral buildings, and why they spending croresa nd crores for spend money to research the Bharatham, Yoga art and our herbal plants in our area etc…
When Jesus was placed in the Siluvai the people competent to get his cloth like this our property, agriculture, land has been post haste by the evils. Triumph is to save their race not destroy another race to save our race whether we make a war. 30 years we build an army but we lost at one day. When the Ezha thamizhan died in his country due to his rights and eliminate the race in the country for potentate but the Indian Tamizhan sit quietly and watch that. Tamizhans are separated by religious system, caste system. Our Tamizhans are died under the Tea estate. But we watch in a piteously. 18 countries eliminate the Tamizhan race that period we are silent and think as we are Indian Tamizhan.
When it moves like this way what will happen in future. I have a desire that I require a daughter and teach my child about my Tamizh language goodness. Before that we must save my Tamizhan for next generation. How we protect our Tamizhan we must hold five natural things land, water, fire, air, and sky gets energy to conflict with the evil to save my race.    
The judge asked question about how you will make a system to save your Tamizhan by your confidence. The girl expressed that she will save by the confidence what the individual person think about them that way the person modify so our thinking and confidence change it. We are a ruler we are not a coward person this attitude lead to protect and save my Tamizhan. 
This speech held at SRM University under title of Ippaidai Thorkin the girl Priyatharshini Vinson Prees expressed her potent points which she has experienced; it is a fiery speech to save Ezha Tamizhan.