Saturday, April 8, 2017

Amazing benefits of Almonds

Amazing benefits of Almonds
25  gram content almond has  70/- vitamins
It develops body, it has vitamins and minerals to supply nutrition to the body
It purify the blood, it increase the H.D.L cholesterol and reduces the bad cholesterol.
The Almond has phosphorus salt, gultamic acid, for improve the memory power, and strengthen the neuron system.
The Almonds outer layer content has essential nutrition, vitamin-e, this will protect the neuron system.
Someone affected by the cardiology problem means that person use 5 almonds to intake it this will reduce 50/- cardiology difficulty will reduced.
One who is reducing for weight loss means that person used 5 almonds weekly twice which will reduce the 31/- weight from the body.
It stimulate the brain function it develop as sharp brain, it function the neuron system according to the normal condition.
Aged factor is reason for lack of memory power, it will strengthen the memory power and the person used daily means it wills works the brain rapidly.
For long healthy life used 10 to 15 gram almond daily in your life.
It has fiber and anti-oxidant to prevent from the cancer problem.
Constipation, respiration disease, coughs, diabetics, skin problem, hair fall problem, diabetics, skin problem, hair fall problem, anemia, liver problem also rectify by intake of almond.
Control the level of sugar in blood.
Stroke, appetite, weakness, low condition of immunity power will be rectifying.
Stimulate the masculinity
It is solving the problem of the digestive issue.

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