Friday, March 31, 2017

Popcorn prepared in the oil in a sudden movement

Popcorn prepared in the oil in a sudden movement
The video shows how the popcorn has been preparing in the oil. One boy is continuously pouring the corn inside the boiled oil with in a second it has modify into popcorn and it has drained the oil by the container then moved to another place for packing. It is not very clear about the packing system. The video shows the boy continuously working on the heat in the container. The container oil is boiling and there is a question mark about the health, because the oil is heating continuously when the work has finished means whether they change the oil or not change the oil. It is very dangerous for health when the popcorn has been cooked in the same oil again and again. Because they used plenty of oil for prepare the popcorn. 
The popcorn could not absorb the oil in it, so they have to be used regularly in the same oil which is not good for health. Another one the boy has been working continuously in the heat and he has not support from others by shifting his work the same person working on the heat and there are no enough places for take rest. The video is not show clear about the circumstances about the work and the working people environment.

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