Friday, March 31, 2017

Healer Baskar’s natural remedy for Kidney Failure

Healer Baskar’s natural remedy for Kidney Failure
In this video the Healer Baskar share his medical terms to cure for Kidney failure. This medical term is not suit for the dialysis patient.
Reason for Kidney Failure
Who was affect by the pusillanimous and phobia problem that person will easily affect by the kidney problem. The brave person will not attack by this. Fear is main cause for the kidney issue who have fear in sub conscious mind that person will mostly have chance to face kidney issue. If the person has fear means the person must get treatment to bring courage themselves.
Tips for protect from kidney problem
Under the foot gives massage between the first and second toes by the index finger.  Massage 50 times left side as well 50 times at right side for night only. For Morning massage the little toes which is the last finger of the foot. It stimulates the body functions to emit the waste outside.
Drink Rain water
Drink rain water it cures the kidney issue. During the monsoon period store the rain water in a dark room for protect from sunlight which is maintain the rain water healthy. Avoid hands and protect from sunlight and store it in the dark room. The rain water gives relief from the Kidney problem. 
According your taste use enough salt in your food. The people must aware about the limits for intake of salt in the food. Don’t exceed the salt level and decrease the salt level both conditions bring the kidney issue. So, as per taste of the tongue used salt in the food accurately.
Ordinary Water
 Drink enough water as per your body condition. If your body needs more water means drink it. Avoid drinking plenty of water that will bring kidney issue.
Mud Pot water
Safest water is mud pot water. Which an essential one is to gives the healthy water. It gives cooling to the water and the sediments will drain the mud pot.
Guava Fruit 
Chew the guava fruit with the seed and slowly crush by the teeth when it comes as liquid until, that chew it and then swallow the fruit which  is protect from the kidney issue.

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