Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How to reduce abdominal fat

How to reduce abdominal fat 
Needed materials
Small onion
Palm jaggery
Preparation method for Lakiyam
Use iron vessel for prepare this content. Pour cheese and add small onion roast it until change of colour it will be melt in the heat of cheese like this our abdominal fat will be melt. Leave for 10 minutes for roasted it in vessels. Leave for modify into ordinary condition if it comes to normal temperature means crush it as a liquid avoid water to crush it the materials have enough water content so avoid pouring water to crush it. 
Again use the iron vessel and drop some spoon cheese and pour the mixture and add palm jaggery and used stick or a spoon for stir the mixture now add the palm jaggery for enough quantity. 10 minutes like that stir it should be not attached with the vessel so carefully stir the mixture when it has mixed well means leave it for 10 minutes to turned back to room temperature if it comes to normal level means packed in an iron bottle and closed it tightly and used to consume morning 1 spoon and evening 1 spoon for 41 days if you continuously in take the mixture means your abdominal fat will be reduced and you became as a slim personality. During that period avoid eating oil food and fat dishes this will aid to control the cholesterol level.

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