Friday, March 10, 2017

Veldt Grape protect the Bone erosion, Neuro problem

Veldt Grape is one of the best medicines for human body which looks like a chain it is connected as chain. Some more varieties are having in this veldt Grape. Some person s are affect by the neck and back pain. This plant is rich in calcium and it gives vitamin d for human body and it cure the neck pain and back pain, it preserve the bones of the body. It is rectifying the insufficient of calcium Use this plant for twice in a week. This one rectifies the digestive problem and cure piles complaint.
The cardiology problem person used this to dismissal of bad cholesterol from our body and reduces B.P problem. For women also get aid from this when in a menstrual time it gives relief from back pain. Crush with chilly, tamarind and salt for thuvayal it emit the waste in our body it protect the bones and cure the broken bones. It gives itching when we touch it. So use it carefully and add tamarind for use it. IT support for old age people and cure the old age person issues of joint pain and back pain. Regular use is hinder, use random manner to solve your bone issues. This plant easily grows in a home it need not much water to grow.

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