Saturday, March 11, 2017

Get the benefits of eating garlic and soaked in honey

Benefits of honey and garlic syrup
Traditionally the honey and garlic is best medicine for the disease, which is frequently utilized by our ancestors. This is followed in Egypt, India, Japan and china. It is one of the successful medicines for cardiology disorder. There is an easy method for use it day today life.
Method for preparation
Take 20 pieces of garlic and soak with honey in a bottle and filled with honey. One week keep it safely after that use it as a medicine.
It reduces the heart problems, control blood pressure. 
Keep it in refrigerator for store and this will use for one year and it will not spoil.
Consume it early morning; with an empty stomach ½ teaspoons. Avoid after intake of food, it will not work. Per day consumes it 5 or 6 times and eat this lunch and evening periods. 
It reduces weight; for this mixed with the water and consume it for reduce the body weight.
Increase the body weight, it gives weight and strengthens the boy when you eat with milk and mixed with milk for consume it to increase the body weight.
Improves the immunity power which strengthens the body from the communicable disease.

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