Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Easy to out Expectorant home made medicine - Health tips

How to recover from ordinary cold and cough
Cold and cough is a waste which our body emits outside through the cold. So the people should aware that one is irritated but our body should clean and neat. So, the people should not intake of medicine to control and stagnant in lungs.
Sputum is one of the wastes which will emit during cold and cough. Sweating, urine, cold and cough these all waste of the body which was continuously emit outside. This will help our body in normal condition. So, don’t need to go for consultant with doctor because, they give medicine to control it. That sputum will be stored in lungs only .Gradually it develops as a sinus problem or asthma problem. Three types of cold and sputum affect and store in our body which are following below:
First one is When the person drink cold water or cold food, fresh juice that melt the sputum in lungs that should comes out from body.
Second one is Throat infection which is stored in the throat due to body heat it will form in the place. This will comes outside light yellow colour sputum. It comes outside means the person can feel normal condition. Use pomegranate fruits use to eat or make a juice for consume it.
Third one is cold and running nose which is affected the head the head will be pain and the person can’t do their work due to headache. This emit outside in the way of mouth and nose. This sputum comes out like white and light green or some time the blood will added in this. Use crystal salt in the boiled water, turmeric power one spoon. After boiling inhale the steam and ensure the head should cover with the boiling water through the blanket like aavipidithal. The cold stored as in head that will be comes outside through sweating from the head and face. The person gets immediate relief from the running nose and headache; frequently do this as your body get well.

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